Selected invited and keynote talks given by CT group members or invited guest speakers
For presentations of conference papers, please see the website of the corresponding publications.
The slides are all in pdf format: please contact us for ppt/tex versions or if you want to reuse material.
Demand-Aware Networks: Metrics and Algorithms
OptSys Workshop on Optical Systems Design at ACM SIGCOMM, New York City, New York, USA, August 2020 [slides].
Self-adjusting networks: From Metrics to Algorithms
Noon seminar, Max Planck Institute für Informatik, Department 1: Algorithms and Complexity, Saarbrücken, Germany, July 2020 [slides] (host: Christoph Lenzen).

Performance and Security Isolation in Softwarized Networks: Advances and Challenges
Keynote at 3rd Workshop on Advances in Slicing for Softwarized Infrastructures (S4SI), Virtual Conference, June 2020 [slides].

Jump, Crawl, Attract, Propagate: Security Challenges in Emerging Communication Networks
Keynote at International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP), Valletta, Malta, February 2020 [slides].
Reconfigurable Networks: Enablers, Algorithms, Complexity
Tutorial at International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), Budapest, Hungary, August 2019 [slides].
Schedule, Support, Adjust, and Fix: Topology Control Revolutions for Data-Aware Networks
Keynote at ALGOSENSORS, Helsinki, Finland, August 2018 [slides]
Principles of Distributed Network Design
Tutorial at ACM PODC, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, United Kingdom, July 2018 [slides]
Predictable Data Communications with (Self-)Adjusting Networks
Keynote at ICDCS 2018 Workshop Internet-QoE, Vienna, Austria, July 2018 [slides]