Welcome to the Communication Technologies group!


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The Chair of Communication Technologies aims at the investigation of future communication networks and future applications offered through these networks.

The chair focuses on the following research topics:

  • algorithms and mechanisms to design and operate communication networks 
  • network architectures and protocols for future communication technologies
  • performance evaluation of networked and distributed systems
  • network security
  • wireless and cellular networks

Our vision is that networked systems should become self-* (i.e., self-optimizing, self-repairing, self-configuring). 

Accordingly, we are currently particularly interested in automated and data-driven approaches to design, optimize, and verify networked systems.

 News & Events

Punit Shyamsukha, a student at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, is currently doing a research internship with our group on self-adjusting networks.

We are looking for PhD students interested in theoretical and algorithmic aspects of communication networks.

for his work on "Virtual Network Embeddings: Theoretical Foundations and Provably Good Algorithms"

Two papers from our group members were accepted to ICALP 2020 conference!

Welcome to our group, Oliver!

Sanja starts as an external PhD student.